5 tips to keep on keeping on when you're feeling down

Although autumn is my favorite season of the year for many reasons, I find that I am often caught in the middle of loving the season with its color, scents and beautiful golden light but I have difficulty emotionally due to the time change, holiday stress and other factors. This leads to an increase in my anxiety and depression and with that comes a lot of self doubt. It becomes so easy to take little speed bumps and make huge, man eating pot holes out of them; to turn everything into a sign that you should just throw in the towel... BUT ITS NOT!!

At these moments of anxiety and self doubt, it is so important to make a conscious effort to readjust your attitude and your direction. Here are 5 ways to "reset" your thinking and get back on track.

1. GET OUT! Stop what you are doing and change scenery. Take a walk, take your dog for a walk, go shopping, go for a drive. Even if you can't physically GO somewhere different you can still go outside the house and look at the flowers, sky, leaves, animals, art, etc. SEE what is around you.

2. SELF CARE!! You have to take care of yourself FIRST, before anybody else because if YOU aren't happy, no one around you will be happy either. Pamper yourself with a mini spa day, take time to read a book, make art just of for fun, journal, go some place fun or just take time to BE.

3. LEAN ON A FRIEND. I find when I am at my lowest I am in a cycle where I haven't been out and around PEOPLE. Dropping off and picking up my daughter at school, doesn't count. Get out and connect with friends.. take a workshop, have a coffee date, go to a museum, or at the very least pick up the phone and TALK to someone. I don't think texting or emailing count as actual contact, phone or Skype is close but its best if you can get out amongst your peers and friends.

4. THINK POSITIVE. This is a doozy for me. I go a long fine for awhile and then the little voices in my head start talking. (not really) The self doubt appears.. I am a champ at comparing myself to others and telling myself I am not good enough to be successful. What is up with that?? STOP!! Take a few minutes and get out your journal or a piece of paper, and start writing down all the GOOD things about you and your successes. Remind yourself that you are enough!!

5. THIS TOO SHALL PASS. Remind yourself that feeling down or unworthy is temporary. Yes, depression and anxiety are lying bastards.. they tell you the wrong things; but find a way to remind yourself that these feelings will not last forever. I keep inspirational files on my computer of artwork and quotes that help me remember that brighter days are ahead.

I know from experience that dealing with anxiety, depression and self doubt can be hard but if you stop and take action you can often nip it in the bud. What are your tips to keep a bright outlook?


  1. These are all excellent suggestions - particularly the bit about self-care and reminding yourself that "this too shall pass" ... sometimes when you're trapped in that "dark spot", it can feel very much permanent. I've learned to literally say aloud, "This is only temporary!" to myself when I'm feeling overwhelmed. Wishing you a healthy winter!

    xo Jaime

  2. I think it's great that you're spreading a positive message and the world needs more of that . Great post!

  3. Yoga is my go-to. It helps me get out of my head. A new perspective.

  4. ah, this is all too familiar to me. I have to tell myself these things when my days feel extra gloomy - and they work. especially getting out of the house and that suffocating cloud of depression!

  5. These are good little tricks to help yourself. It's definitely easy to just lose it but these are great little ways to hold it together.

  6. These are great tips. It can be so hard to think positive sometimes about situations, but it is important to try and keep spirits lifted.


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